When classy is mentioned, a modest dressed up lady comes to most peoples mind. I for one admire classy ladies for their dressing and sure their intelligence . Anyone could claim to be classy but class without brains and character definitely isn’t class.

Today’s post is about the possible classy styles that could be worn daily to work or meetings or anywhere one can think off.

Classy Outfit

Peep that shoe and bag, colour blending perfecto and to think it’s a 3/4 sleeve hand dress! Yea just my normal kind of hand style . Thinking of shopping for red gown just to replicate this look.


Yea yea a to-match with style. Nothing ever goes wrong with patterned wear and could blend with any colour of accessory.

Classy Outfit

Hexuse me lady?

I have had this look in my gallery for a long time, looking for a blazer like this but haven’t seen… I believe someday I will bump into one.

classy outfitErrrm strutting into a meeting or work place dressed up like this…. gonna be great feeling but you gat to add some attitude and not act like a ratchet.

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Different stylings but same top. It’s all about creativity.

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classy outfit

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Some business meeting to sign documents kinda wear.

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This is definitely for the team Agbanis out there?.

classy outfit

Not a fan of skirts like this but when I saw this? Mindset changed but we have to wear errm khaki beneath for support in some places.

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Classy outfit

classy outfit

classy outfit

Boss lady kinda something.

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classy outfit

classy outfit

Another boss lady dressing.

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classy outfit

classy outfit

Simple and still classy.

classy outfit

Classy with Jeans too.

Some more styles in my head but let’s stop here.

Permit me to say being a Christian doesn’t mean one can’t be classy. Having engaged in discussions where being a Christian means you have to dress anyhow, not presentable.  I can confidently say it’s all wrong. The bible doesn’t condemn it, rather says don’t lead your neighbour to temptation.

Remember we are addressed the way we dress most times and first impression matters especially when it comes to dressing.

Till next time stay classy.