Growing up, I was one of those kids/folks that always had new year resolution. By the end of December each year, I had already written all my new year resolutions with that new year new me cliche but did it always go as planned?

Allow me to laugh at myself small…

Mbanu infact by the end of the second month of January (for January has 7 months in it), I was back to where I was the year before maybe even worse if care isn’t taken.

This was never because I didn’t try nor because the strong will wasn’t there but because in my opinion, it never works that way and I know alot of people like me are already screaming New year New me.

Nne?  Nna? calm down!!!

If you want to change an aspect of your life, why wait till New year? Why must it be in January? What happened to other months like May, June etc.

The New year Resolutions you’ve been setting as far back as 2014, how many have come to fruition?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying one can’t get better in the new year but starting of with New year New goal… Nah I have hardly seen where it worked but sure if it works for you on a 100% sure go ahead biko but tell us How it happened and for how long.

On my Social Media I am already seeing write ups like “In 2019 I am cutting off… before you start cutting people off ponder on these:

  • Were you under duress when you became friends with them initially?
  • What have you done for them- Inspiration wise, emotional and moral support, financial assistance,which? Infact have you impacted on their lives before cutting them off or is it just you who wants to be impacted on- a one sided friendship.
  • Have you thought about the fact that you could be the problem in the friendship. Maybe the friend you want to cut off has already cut you off tee tee and you are the only one in the friendship, now you won’t let us rest.
  • Birds of the same feather flock together proverb could apply here and  that means you too needs to be cut off.

New year

Keep your scissors and idea of cutting off people in 2019 somewhere, I, We don’t care.

  • Work on yourself and they will cut themselves off without you doing that, if there is really need for that.
  • Be a better version of yourself .
  • Try achieving the already set goals.
  • Fine-tune the ones already in action .
  • Be useful to yourself, family and society at large.New year

In all, you should remember a tree doesn’t make a forest. Be a better you.

Instead of worrying about cutting people off

  1. Go to God in prayer, join your church for covenant prayer or even you can do that on your own – where you write down what you want God to do for you. Humanly looking impossible prayer points and sure what you will do for God- more like a promise something and you remember our God is a promise Keeping God so Berra be ready to keep your side of the bargain. Daily or monthly, bring the list out and you will see miracles.      Amen Somebody? 
  2. Take up courses in your area of interest. Maybe masters or something but improve your brain, get that certificate and sure become hot cake to firms that will be looking for you. I read of this annoying something, “if you want to hide something from Man- maybe African Man, put it in a book.” I was so pained when I saw it, yea you can change that too. Open that book and find out what’s hidden .
  3. Start up a side hustle. I have heard lots of people say, business isn’t for me… biko chere there. You’ve got the wrong definition of business.  Business could be in a form of something you are passionate about. I always say when you are passionate about something and make it a side hustle,  you will thrive in the days of competition. Don’t start because your neighbour is changing cloth from it, take feasibility study and you will find things that people need solution to. Start up, create awareness and you will blow. Hope I can talk about business ideas that are starring at you daily which can be started with little or no money.

I wouldn’t end this post without saying there are things that should stop in 2018 which include

  1. Going to people’s inbox to say Hi without going straight to the reason behind the hi. Like what do you expect the other to say when they see the hi especially those who have been saying hi since time immemorial.  In 2019, if you say Hi without going straight to the point, you will be getting a free link to any of my post I deem fit. Save us both this trouble.  Thank you
  2. Tagging people to pictures . Biko if they didn’t follow you to where the picture was taken, please don’t tag. It’s quite annoying for me for I have to keep resetting my SM settings each time.
  3. Adding people to groups without their consent.  It’s possible this person has already seen that group but for some reason refused to ask for permission to join, don’t add them to it. I got tired of exiting groups when they kept re-adding me back and this was on Facebook and you wouldn’t believe what’s discussed in the group.
  4. Still on the group matter but for WhatsApp, stop posting things which are not the main reason why that WhatsApp group was created initially . It’s quite annoying being in an academic group and I will be seeing something like”if you don’t share this, misfortune will follow you bla bla bla… please desist from such in 2019 and stop sending such bad luck messages.  It’s of no use biko.
  5. Would have talked about E-fights but Please stop it in 2018 if you are part of those who engage in such, don’t lead people into Depression after the fight. It’s murder of the soul.
  6. Those people who like asking singles, when they are getting married . Mbok you don’t know the effort the person has put in a relationship to get married and still got ended relationship from it. You don’t know if it’s the person’s decision to get married or not or if they have a set time for it. Abeg abeg don’t carry such questions into 2019. It’s not your business, anyday you get invitation to the wedding,  attend but if you don’t? mind your business . If it’s that important to you pray for them In that direction but don’t force people on them in the name of blind date.
  7. Online begging….. *Inserts long epistle*
  8. Tatafo, panel of unqualified judge,aprokos mind your business in 2019.
  9. Add your own.

Today being the last day in 2018, Take some time off and ponder on how you can develop yourself in 2019. Self development is the way forward.

See you next year.

Happy New year in advance.